PARTNERSHIPSCommunity Partnerships
Round Rock ISD welcomes partnerships between businesses, organizations and individuals who want to share their time, talent and resources to enrich the lives of students.
Round Rock ISD is committed to forming “rock solid” partnerships that are focused on long term relationships between the business community and our campuses.
Interested in volunteering in our schools? Great!
From helping teachers prepare classroom activities, to chaperoning field trips and creating bulletin boards, campus volunteers play an important role in the academic success of our students.
The first step is to fill out a volunteer application/background check. After your application has been successfully processed, you will be eligible to volunteer in our schools.
Why partnerships?
For students to receive an education that makes them collaborators, thinkers and problem solvers, it is imperative they see the world beyond the classroom. Together, we are creating the workforce of tomorrow. When partners invest in our students, they act as role models and provide an additional layer of support and inspiration for students and teachers.
Partners receive value:
- Enhanced image when seen as educational partner
- Supports workforce development
- Collaboration between employers and educators
- Giving back to community
Partners add value:
- Expertise in their field
- Job training/ Internships
- Externships for teachers and staff
- Hands-on opportunities at their place of business
- Additional resources
- “Real life” application of skills and improved decision making regarding career choices
- Increased student engagement
How to Partner
Academy Advisory committee: Provide insight about the latest trends in skillset, equipment, training and industry certifications
After School Enrichment
Career Fair Speaker
Classroom Guest Speaker
College/Workforce Readiness Support
District Development Activities – Serve on district level committees
Externship/Teacher Training
Extracurricular Support – Be a resource for after school student interest clubs
High school Academy Partner
Host a field trip at your place of business
Internship – Provide internship opportunities to high school students.
Job Shadow – Allow students to shadow you at your place of business
Judges – Judge school projects such as science fair projects
Mock Interviews – Conduct mock interviews with students to develop interviewing skills
Offer Scholarships
Public Audience – Be an audience for students to showcase projects
Reverse Job Shadow – Shadow students during part of their school day
Soft Skills – Work with students at various functions of skills such as shaking hands, eye contact, business etiquette

The Round Rock ISD Partners in Education Foundation develops and allocates resources to the Round Rock Independent School District to enrich, enhance, and maximize the quality of education for all students.
The Foundation holds fundraisers throughout the year to raise money to support:
• Innovative School Grants
• Supplies for Students
• Student Scholarships
• Teacher of the Year recognition and much more.
The PTA is the oldest and largest child advocacy association in America. Today’s PTA is comprised of more than 4 million parents, teachers, grandparents, caregivers, foster parents and other caring adults who share a commitment to improving the education, health, and safety of all children. We speak with one voice for every child.
The PTA’s mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
PTA organizations begin at the local campus level and continue to the national level.
Local Campus PTA>RRISD Council of PTAs>Texas PTA>National PTA
You can locate campus’ PTA information below district news on each campus webpage.